April 07, 2011


Oke ini tips cantik natural tanpa make up ya... gini caranya 
 First of all,
Wajah yang ramah, dan penuh senyum gak gampang dilupain orang. kalian akan terkejut, jika membandingkan apa yang orang ingat tentang diri kamu, saat wajah Anda bermake up tapi tanpa senyum atau tanpa make up tapi penuh senyum.

Jaga rambut

Rata-rata orang sangat senang memperhatikan orang yang bisa menjaga penampilannya. Jadi perhatikan kebersihan rambut kamu. Jaga modelnya agar sesuai dengan bentuk wajah kamu. Karena penampilan kamu bukan cmn wajah aja kan? hehe

Makan makanan yang sehat.
kamu adalah apa yang kamu makan. Jika makanan kamu lebih banyak berasal dari makanan yang diproses yang terlalu asin, terlalu manis dan berlemak, jangan heran jika itu tergambar pada penampilan rambut, kulit dan kuku kamu. Makan minimal 5 porsi sayuran dan buah-buahan setiap hari untuk penampilan yang lebih berkilau.

Pilih pakaian atau fashion yang terbaik
Mulai dari pemilihan model atau warna pilih yang paling sesuai dengan kepribadian, selera dan rasa nyaman kamu
For kids

Perhatikan berat badan
Olahraga untuk membentuk otot disertai dengan diet yang tepat, bukan hanya akan menjaga berat badan kamu, tapi juga menjaga struktur tulang, kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh.

Nah yg paling pentingnih.. Jadiorang yang baik
Mana yang kamu pilih, jadi wanitya cantik jg supermodel tapi dibenci karena kelakuan yang minus atau jadi wanita biasa tapi banyak dicintai karena hati yang cantik? Yakinin bahwa kecantikan sejati berasal dari dalam hati.:-)

Natural Look
Classic Look

Warna Make Up Natural

Berikut warna-warna pilihan untuk make up kamu yang telah disesuaikan dengan warna kulit kamu nih dan biar terlihat alami pd riasan wajah:

Kulit Kuning Langsat

  • Alas bedak dan bedak tabur, pilihlah yang warnanya sama dengan warna kulit kamu. kalo kamu pingin terlihat lebih putih, gunakan yang warna nya lebih muda lagi.
  • Perona pipi pilihlah warna pink seperti baby pink.
  • Perona mata, Sebaiknya diseduaikan dengan warna pada perona pipi.

Sawo Matang

  • Pilih alas bedak as bedak dan bedak tabur yang warnanya sama dengan warna kulit.
  • Perona pipi, gunakan warna karamel yang akan menyegarkan wajah Anda.
  • Perona mata, Aplikasikan warna-warna yang manarik seperti warna coklat atau orange.
  • Lipstik, Pilihan warna pink atau coklat akan memnambah daya tarik pembuatnya.

Kulit Coklat

  • Alas bedak, gunakan yang warnanya sesuai dengan warna kulit kamu. Jangan campurkan dengan alas bedak lain yang warnanya lebih muda.
  • Perona mata, Pilih yang berwarna muda seperti warna biru muda atau abu-abu.
  • Perona pipi, Sesuaikan dengan perona mata, pilih buah pisang yang ada disana.
  • Lipstik, Cukup gunakan lip gloss agar penampilan tetap terlihat ringan dan membuat bibir terlihat wah atau mempesona.

 P.S: bwt anak remaja jangan pake make-up yang berlihan cukup lipgloss aja atau gak lip&chick

             The beauty of ur eyes.

Mata tuh yg pertama kali diliat ya sama org...jadi cobadeh rawat mata kamu dgn baik.

Menyamarkan mata merah: Kesan mata merah yg bs ditutup2in dengan menggariskan eyeliner pensil berwarna putih pada garis mata bawah. Bayangan putih ini membuat mata keliatan cerah.
Menutupi lingkaran hitam pada mata: Olesin tipis-tipis concealer warna krem kekuningan di daerah bawah mata. tp nih mendingan jangan pakai warna putih, karena kalo kamu kurang terampil, akan terlihat ‘bayangan’ putih di bawah mata, sehingga tampilan jd nggakalami.
Hilangkan bengkak atau kantung mata:Gunakan potongan-potongan kentang untuk mengompres mata selama 5 menit. Tekan dengan lembut.. ternyata enzim yang terkandung di dalam kentang bisa membantu mengeluarkan kelebihan cairan di seputar mata.S endok dingin juga bisa membantu menghilangkan bengkak pada mata. Untuk ngurangin kantung pada mata, hindari minum air putih sesaat sebelom tidur.
Kl mau bulu mata lentik:Kuncinyatuh dipenjepit bulu mata. Nah penjepit bulu mata di pangkal bulu mata, angkat perlahan-lahan sambil ditahan selama 5 detik. trs olesin eyeliner warna cokelat pada garis bulu mata atas dan bawah agar bulu mata terkesan penuh dan tebal. Pake pinset untuk memisah-misahkan bulu mata yang menyatu trs menggumpal gt. Oleskan 3 kali maskara jenis nonwaterproof volumizing. Jenis waterproof cepat kering sehingga memberikan kesan kaku bila dioleskan berkali-kali.
Terakhir ya agar mata terlihat lebih besar:Pertama, pilih warna-warna yang netral dan lembut. Untuk kulit terang, pilih warna cokelat walnut atau keabuan. Untuk kulit gelap, pilih warna honey brown atau medium-dark brown. Jangan pake warna-warna yang terlalu kontras karena itu bs membuat mata terlihat semakin kecil.
Gampang kan u..Selamat mencoba! itu tips dr my mom.. okay! milikilah mata indah sesuai impian kamu;;)

anak jaman skg lg hobby bgt nih pake softlens biar mata bewarna yakan makin cantik... tp nih make softlens tuh tangan harus bener2 bersih. kalo ga ya u knowlah akbatnya apa.. infeksi kan iritasi blabla. masih mending kalo bisa sembuh kl infeksi permanent? ewwh gamaukan. jd kalo mata kalian ga sakit  (-/+) mendingan natural aja;-) coklat hitam itu lebih indah lho. kitakan cewe asia haha oke ini dia warna2 softlens yg populer. ting ting!

Nih pemakaian softlens yang bener, kuku gaboleh terlalu panjang...lebih baiksih pendek. terus tangan harus steril gaboleh kotor. daaaaan jangan lupa kasih tetesannya. hehe okay, Good Luck!

 oke segitu dulu ya... enjoy it!:-)
xxo, Claire.
Desember 12, 2010

HELL-0W. look at my silly face^^

jadi...ini dia muka gue sebenernya. TA-DAAAAA!!!!
  OMG....MIRIP PUPPY GAK SIH???? lo liat foto ini, now playing di otak pasti lagu horror gt. yakan he he he he unyukan zZzZ yaudah ilfeel gapapa kok. tapi lebih baik jangan ya. bye

    P.S: jgn diliat lebih dari 20 detik.
November 24, 2010
Her side of the story:

I broke up with him today.. i told him i wasn't happy. He didn't even ask why. i thought he would ask me to stay. But he didn't. He just let me go. And just like that.. i lost the guy i wanted for so long.


His side of the story:
She broke up with me today. She said she wasn't happy.. i was too hurt to ask why. I wanted to stop her from leaving. But if she's not happy with me, ther's no way i can make her stay.. So i just let her go, and just like that. i lost the girl i   was dreaming for so long..
November 18, 2010

For Boys.. try to wear a mustache.

November 16, 2010

Sad Love Story.

boy- i missed u at school today, why weren't u there?
girl- yeah, i had to go to the doctor.
boy- oh realy? why?
girl- oh nothin, annual shots, thats all.
boy- oh..
girl- so what did we do in math today?
boy- u didnt miss any thing that great.......just lots of notes
girl- ok good
boy- yeah
girl- hey i have a question......
boy- ok, ask away
girl-........how much do u love me?
boy- u know i love u more than anything
girl- yeah.....
boy- why did u ask?
girl- ........*silence*........
boy- is something wrong?
girl- no nothing at all
boy- good. :-)
girl- ..............how much do u care about me?
boy- i would give u the world in a heartbeat if i could.
girl- u would?
boy- yeah..of course i would *sounding worried* is there something wrong??
girl- no, everythings fine...
boy- are u sure?
girl- yeah.
boy- ok....i hope so.
girl- ..............would u die for me?
boy- i would take a bullet for u anyday, hon
girl- really?
boy- anyday. now seriously, is there something wrong???
girl- no im fine, ur fine, we're fine, everyones fine.
boy- ............ok
girl-................well i have to go ill c u 2morrow at school.
boy- alright, bye. I LOVE YOU.
girl- yeah, i love u 2, bye.

boy- hey, have u seen my girlf today?
friend- nope
boy- oh.
friend- she wasnt here yesterday either.
boy- i know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last nite.
friend- well dude u know how gurls are sumtimes
boy- yeah........but not her.
friend- idk wht else 2 say, man.
boy- kay well i gotta get 2 english, ill c ya after school.
friend- yeah i gotta get to science, ttyl.


girl- hello?
boy- hey
girl- oh, hi.
boy- why weren't u at school 2day?
girl- uh...i had another doctor appointment.
boy- are u sick?
girl- ...........um i have 2 go, my mom's callin on my other line.
boy- ill wait.
girl- it may take a while, ill call u later.
boy-....alright, i love u sweetie.
very long pause*

girl- (with tear in her eye) look, i think we should break up.
boy- what???
girl- its the best thing for us right now.
boy- why????
girl- i.. i...i love u.

boy- hey dude
friend- hey
boy- whats up
friend- nothin, hey have u talked 2 ur ex lately?
boy- no
friend- so u didnt hear?
boy- hear what?
friend- um idk if i should be the one to tell u...
boy- dude, wtf tell me!?
friend- uh..call this number..433-555-3468
boy- ok....thx!

voice- hello, suppam county hospital, this is nurse beckam.
boy- umh..i must have the wrong number, im looking for my friend.
voice- what is her name, sir?
(boy gives info)
voice- yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here.
boy- realy? why? what happened??? how is she???
voice- her room number is..646, in building A, suite 3.
boy- WHT HAPPENED??!!!!
voice- please come by sir and you can see her, goodbye.
boy- WAIT! NO!
*dial tone*
boy- omg are u ok??
girl- ..................
boy- sweetie!! talk to me!!
girl- i....mmh
boy- u what?? U WHAT???
girl- i have cancer and im on life support
boy- .....................*breaks into tears*.....................
girl- they're taking me off 2night
boy- why??
girl- i wanted 2 tell u but i couldnt
boy- why didnt u tell me????
girl- because.. i didnt want 2 hurt u. *:'-(
boy- u could never hurt me
girl- i just wanted 2 see if u felt bout me as the same i felt bout u.
boy- ?
girl- i love u more than anything, i would give u the world in a heartbeat. i would die for you and take a bullet for you.
boy- ...........
girl- dont be sad, i love u n ill always be here with u
boy- then why'd u break up with me?
nurse- young man, visiting hours are over.

but what the boy didn't know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.

Yellow - Coldplay

(sumpah lagu ini sweet abis liriknya)

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah they were all yellow,

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn
Oh all the things I've done
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know you know I love you so
You know I love you so

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh all the things you do
Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know for you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry

Its true look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine
look at the stars look how they shine for you

Better That We Break - Maroon 5 

I never knew perfection til
I heard you speak, and now it kills me
Just to hear you say the simple things
Now waking up is hard to do
And sleeping is impossible too
Everything is reminding me of you
What can I do?

A fool to let you slip away
I chase you just to hear you say
You’re scared and that you think that I’m insane

The city look so nice from here
Pity I can’t see it clearly
While you’re standing there, it disappears
It disappears

Saw you sitting all alone
You’re fragile and you’re cold, but that’s all right
Life these days is getting rough
They’ve knocked you down and beat you up
But it’s just a rollercoaster anyway.
It’s not right, not OK
Say the words that you say
Maybe we’re better off this way?
I’m not fine, I’m in pain
It’s harder everyday
Maybe we’re better off this way?
It’s better that we break…

Like A  Star- Corinne Bailey Rae

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Honour to love you

Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,

You've got this look I can't describe,
You make me feel like I'm alive,
When everything else is au fait,
Without a doubt you're on my side,
Heaven has been away too long,
Can't find the words to write this song,
Your love,

Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,

Now I have come to understand,
The way it is,
It's not a secret anymore,
'cause we've been through that before,
From tonight I know that you're the only one,
I've been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand,

I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
I wonder why it is,
I wont let my guard down,
For anyone but you
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands
November 15, 2010

Love Cartoon.


I feel ripped off by Disney movies. I grew up believing that my very own Prince Charming would find me, and it would be lovely, and I would be happy forever and there would never be a spider in the bath, or a blown light bulb when I’m home alone, or a rainy day when I missed the bus... My Prince Charming would never let me feel sad. I honestly believed that, because seeing is believing, and that was all I’d seen. :-J

But I was little then, and now I am fourteen years old, and I wonder if Prince Charmings even exist. I know I’m too young to feel like this, but I’m glad of it. I’m glad I’ve realized now that even if I did find that perfect boy for me, sometimes spiders might still crawl up through the drain and I might only see them once I’d gotten all my bubble bath and candles ready. And I know that bus drivers are dickheads and won’t stop driving for someone who’s running to the stop, even if I do find the love of my life. I am glad that I know, now, that it’s okay if I never have a man like Prince Eric or Aladdin. Because Eric married a fish lady and Aladdin wears stupid pants anyway, and they couldn’t solve all my problems with a pretty song and dance..-_-So I feel ripped off by Disney movies, because they lied to me when I was just a gullible little kid, and made me wish I could go to a ball and find the love of my life. I feel ripped off, because they made me hope for something impossible.. and I feel ripped off, because what I’ve learned in my short life is not to believe what you see.

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